Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Why freshers should focus on one technology?

After graduating from engineering in India, there are multiple career paths which a person can choose. Every career has its own positives and negatives.

All careers might not be suitable for everyone. The career you choose should be suitable for you and you should enjoy that. If you do something which you enjoy, you can perform and progress well in your career.

As Steve Jobs says, we should identify your career based upon your passion. You should not choose a career, because it is paying good money or if there are number of opportunities. You should choose a career, which you are passionate about and you enjoy doing. Until you figure out what your passion is, you can do some odd jobs. But the moment you figure out where your heart lives, you should pursue and excel in that career.

If you choose to become a software programmer/engineer, then you should like programming, logical thinking and you should enjoy solving problems. You should also be ready to learn and constantly improve since there will be lot of technologies which will be released on day to day basis. It might be a problem if you choose this career, just because it is lucrative/fancy.

Once you are sure you want become a software programmer/engineer and want to make a career with it, choose one technology and become perfect it. Dont learn little bit of C, C++, Java, HTML, CSS etc, but learn one thing perfectly. It could be either C++ or Java or the web technologies like Ruby, HTML or anything else. But once you have chosen, then stick with that technology for atleast 2 years so that you can perfect it, before you learn any other technology.

Finally note that no one will respect you if you can solve simple problem in five different languages, but you are only worth if you can solve complex problems in one language/technology. Understand that applications like google, facebook, whatsapp etc are not famous because they use multiple languages, but they are famous because they solve the complex problems using one technology stack.

If you choose to become a Java Programmer, then Merit Campus can help you become one with its topics, questions, java programs, competitions and expert online training.

Monday, 27 July 2015

Random revision tests for effective core java programming skills

“Expose yourself to as much randomness as possible.”  ― Ben Casnocha

“Creativity is the ability to introduce order into the randomness of nature.” ― Eric Hoffer

Real life is random and you can not always expect what is coming next. In a typical software project, the customer comes up with the requirements. Requirements meaning how should the application perform, what all functionality should it contain. Once the requirements are ready, it is responsibility of the software development team to translate these requirements into working software.

The customer does not know what software elements like Variables, Arrays, Methods, Loops, Classes, Interfaces, Abstract Classes, Threads, Exceptions or Collections should we use. The software developer should come up with the appropriate design to solve the problem at hand. The customer does not care or understand what you use, only thing is he wants is his functionality. So it is you who have to use the correct design to provide the solution.

At Merit Campus, we focus on this randomness, we expose you to different types of programs and these programs help you to choose the right tool or software element to use for the appropriate program. The more random tests you write, the more you will be prepared for the randomness in the real world. Then you can quickly choose what is the right design/software element for solving the problem at hand.

So, go for it. Write as many random tests as possible at Merit Campus Core Java Tests and be prepared for the tough real world.

How Merit Campus makes java learning easy?

 Are you a java beginner? Do you face a lot of difficulties in understanding Java? Are you looking for a good site that helps you in learning this language? If yes, then Merit Campus is a perfect place for you.

      The goal of Merit Campus is to help students recognize their programming skills and extent their programming knowledge. Objective of Merit Campus is to provide you a platform to become a good programmer.To achieve this goal, they have included various Topics, practice tests, Online training and Competitions which makes learning even more interesting!!! Moreover, there are practice tests available which are of different complexity levels like Beginner, Expert etc. You can choose the level of complexity which suits you.


      Well, that was regarding the goal of Merit Campus. There are many topics such as Inheritance, Classes, Arrays, Packages, Abstract class, Interface, Multithreading and many more. It is said that- " One picture is equal to thousand words!!!" All the topics are written in simple English along with suitable diagrams which makes reading more interesting.

Fig: Creation on Java
The above diagram depicts the concept of "Write Once, Compile Anywhere (WOCA)". Due to it's Navigation facility, you can easily navigate from one topic to another. Content of the topics focuses on important points.


      At the end of every topic, there is random test containing multiple choice questions, order questions and programming questions so that you can test how much you have understood from the topic and what you need to improve. Multiple choice Questions can be answered by clicking on the correct choice and order questions can be answered by changing the order of available choices and clicking on answer button. So, while reading you can test your knowledge.

Fig: Tests on Topics

Practice Tests:

      In addition to random tests, there are Practice Tests which contain different levels of complexity like Beginner, Intermediate, Expert etc which in turn has many session tests. If you are new to Java, you can start with Beginner level. Under Beginner level there are 165 sessions containing different questions which help you to gain expertise in Java. If you have good knowledge of Java, then you can go for Expert Level. Expert Tab contains weekend hack tests which are quite complex. These tests contain programming questions where you have to write main logic of a program. Your program is evaluated under real time test cases like Boundary check etc. It helps you to write the efficient programs which do not fail when tested against incorrect input.

For example: If you are writing a program for "Finding a factorial of a number" then your program will be checked against negative numbers, characters and null input etc. If your program passes all the test cases then only you will get full marks.

After answering all the questions you have to click "submit" button. Before submitting your answers you can review it and edit your responses. After submitting answers your score will get displayed along with correct/incorrect answers.

Fig:Practice Tests 


Yes, you read it right! There are are many competitions like Daily Doses, Top coder, Monthly Competitions to challenge and showcase your programming skills. Winners of Monthly Competition will be rewarded with Level Certificates. Daily Dose is a contest which is held on daily basis on Facebook page of Merit Campus, where some programs are posted and all you have to do is Comment with the correct answer with a valid reason. Top Coder is a weekly competition where the one who has scored highest is selected as winner and one scoring second highest is declared as Runner up. Monthly competition is held on monthly basis, in which top 10 scorers are rewarded with prizes and level certificates.

Fig:Sample Certificate

Expert Training:

      Last but not the Least, Expert Training is provided to students to learn core java perfectly. In this training, experts provide online training to students which is useful for the academic purpose as well as for projects on which you can work. The Online training makes you feel as you are learning from a mentor in a school, it's like a online school. This program helps you in learning Core Java easily.

Following are Salient Features of Expert Training at Merit Campus:
  • Every class is a practical class and daily exercises to perfect the learning.
  • Use automated tools for giving the exercises and tracking the progress
  • Doubts clarification for 6 months (9 AM to 9 PM everyday).
  • 6000+ mins of in person instruction spread across 60 days. Every day 90 mins.
  • SMS and Email alerts on the class status, marks progress and ranks gained.
  • Recorded classes for later revision.
  • Ranks and progress tracking for every student. Mobiles worth of Rs. 4000 each for the top two students in the class.
  • Placement support, resume generation in multiple formats and online profile maintenance.
  • Course Completion Certificate - Online and Fake proof certificate. Any time validation.
  • 15-day refund policy
  • Limited batch size.
If you have not registered at Merit Campus, Register it now. You can maintain your profile, see your rank, create your resume and do lots more!

Hope you will have a wonderful journey with Merit Campus.