What all services does Merit Campus provide?
Our highest priority is your learning and we will try to do whatever is necessary for you to become good programmer. To enable this learning we provide multiple topics to read from and practice with 600+ Java Questions and 2000+ MCQs. In case you need more help, we also provide live training by the experts. Please see Expert Java Training To Learn Java Online
What tests should we write to participate in the competitions?
There are no separate tests for participating in the various competitions. The marks from your practise tests will be considered for the competitions.
What should I do if I get duplicate questions while writing the tests?
If you are writing 'Test on Recent Topics' or 'Topics Test', there are chances that you will get duplicate questions. If you have answered it correctly earlier, then you skip those questions. There is no impact on your total score by skipping these questions, since you will get the marks only once, no matter how many times you write the answer.
Why we have duplicate questions?
We purposely discourage you to take too many 'Test on Recent Topics'. Instead we suggest you use Random Revision Test, which will give questions randomly so that you are more prepared for the real-life problems. Please see http://meritcampus.blogspot.in/2015/07/random-revision-tests-for-effective.html for the importance of random tests.
Why should we identify our self to participate in competitions and for placement support?
Since we want to prevent fake registrations and be able to provide better services to our users, we need to uniquely identify our users. This will make our services more credible and the companies recruiting from us will have valid data.
What should I do get my recharges from daily dose, program hint or any other facebook contests?
If you have won some contests on facebook and you got mobile recharges, they will be reflected in the earnings page, only after you login with the same facebook id into Merit Campus using the 'Login With Facebook' option in the login page. So please logout from Merit Campus and login again with facebook and after that go to earnings page.
Does Merit Campus provide any Job Guarantee?
Merit Campus does not provide any guarantee for any kind of job. But we will try our level best to place good programmers in good companies.Why we don't work on weekends?
Unfortunately we don't work on weekends since all our trainers are also programmers working on real-time projects. Since they will be working only during the week days, this is a problem. But during weekdays we work from 7AM to 9PM IST so that we can do mornings and evening classes.
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